Build Self-Esteem
WOW believes in the dignity and worth of every individual. WOW builds and
maintains the Winners sense of self-worth by creating opportunities for
accomplishment and encouraging youth to believe in themselves. Self-esteem is not achieved
directly through a program, but is a moment-by-moment process realized through continuous
recognition, encouragement and nurturing for any and all efforts and achievements.
Encourage Achievement
WOW continually challenges youth to triumph over fears and limits by setting and
working on goals to "be all they can be." Winners are taught to think and to
say, "I can do it" and "I can and do want to be all that I can be!"
WOW encourages Winners
to reach new levels of learning and appropriately recognizes them
for their accomplishments and attainment of new skills and knowledge through the Wheel
Award system.
Have Fun
The center of all WOWs programs and activities is "fun." Having
fun while learning and sharing is what WOW Circles are all about. Teams that work together
and achieve have fun. Everything that occurs at a Circle meeting should use fun as the
method to achieve whatever goal is in sight. When people see someone else having fun, they
want to be part of that experience. WOW belives learning can be great fun. We
encourage this through our activies.
Provide Education
WOW is a learning organization. Not to be confused with school, WOW offers
educational experiences through group and independent opportunities to earn Wheel Awards
by completing 6 steps (Spokes) per Wheel. Every Wheel, whether it be a Basketball Wheel or
a Science Wheel, provides an opportunity for the Winner to enhance his/her knowledge
through hands-on activities or field trips that encourage awareness of self and others
Offer Opportunity for Teamwork
WOW promotes concern for fellow human beings and fairness and respect for the
rights and property of others. Creating an environment of togetherness motivates members
to strive for excellence and replaces "I" with "We". All of us
together are
stronger and wiser than any of us individually. WOW will foster within each
Circle the attitude of a championship team: a spirit of enthusiasm, dedication and
teamwork in pursuit of a common goal.
Promote Independence
WOW empowers youth to think independently and act resourcefully. WOW prepares
youth in wheelchairs to lead more productive lives and to function more independently by
building on present skills and interests. Individual exploration of talents, skills,
interests, strengths and weaknesses will assist members in evaluating their opportunities
in life.
Facilitate Parental Freedom
If children are to take wing and fly, then their parents must feel
letting them go. WOW answers both needs, showing youth in wheelchairs that the sky is the
limit, while giving them the skills to demonstrate to their parents that they are capable
of the journey. WOW fosters independence and self-reliance in its children