(WINNERS ON WHEELS) was established in 1991 as a non profit organization for
children who use wheelchairs.
WOW is a social/recreation program designed to assist children in developing positive
self-esteem and to promote independence through attendance at Circle meetings.
WOW Circle Meetings provide a structure for Winners to try new endeavors
at least twice a month with the leadership of trained volunteers.
WOW Curriculum includes a progression of challenges,
activities and awards for children as they set attainable goals for themselves and
experience personal achievements.
WOW Winners make new friends in their Circles as they also make new discoveries
about themselves.
WOW Funding comes from a collection of corporate sponsors,
foundation grants and individual donors. It provides program materials, insurance,
administration, various articles of WOW clothing and equipment as well as a small petty
cash fund for each Circle.
WOW National Staff assists in developing and supporting Circles.
WOW is actively working to develop a national network of Circles so
children everywhere have the opportunity to be WINNERS.
Winners' Quotes:
"I get to play with my friend, Amy. We don't go to the same school. At WOW we
get to do everything together. "
-Jennifer Washington, age 10, Orland Park, IL
"I like to try new things and I can do stuff if I want to. "
-Roger Pettit, age 9, San Clemente, CA
"I like hard stuff and I'm going to like earning the badges. I like teamwork
and I like working with people. "
-Angela Langlee, age 9, Duluth, MN
"I know the obstacles and tremendous challenges these children face. Yet I
also know that there is no problem that cannot be turned into an opportunity when there is
someone telling you, 'You can do it!'"
-Marilyn Hamilton, wheelchair user and WOW Founder
To Intro Section 